Looking back over both my corporate career and over 10 years coaching others, I've discovered that the key to achieving any goal in life can be broken into three steps:

The first step towards creating a life you want is to find out EXACTLY what you want. Too many people chase after what they THINK is their dream without spending some time really thinking it through - only to find that they are left cold and empty when they get there. During first session of my life coaching programme, you will learn how to capture your dreams. Get that Vision Board ready! This is your chance to be bold. Later in the programme we'll work on how to make your Goals achievable - but for now, this is your chance to dream big!

Having a dream is not going to get you very far if you don't know precisely what you need to do to achieve it. In Session Two of our coaching programme we will work out WHAT you need to do and, who you need to become to create the life you truly want to live. We'll learn how to create SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attractive, Realistic and Time-framed) goals and how to make these goals personal and meaningful. You might even find that your goals are easier to achieve than you think! Sometimes, the hardest thing about achieving your goals is the work you need to do on the INSIDE - to become the person you need to be to live your best life. There might be times when you feel like you can't do it, that perhaps you are simply not good enough. I can help you to develop your Unshakeable Belief (as I had to work on my own too! :-)) and help you build your confidence and self-esteem. This will strengthen your courage and help you pick yourself up when things don't go your own way immediately.
In this session, we will also develop a detailed Plan of Action with Step-by-Step actions for achieving your goals. We'll look at your lifestyle, your current schedules and commitments and see how we can craft some time to achieve those Goals that matter to you most. We'll look at how you manage your time, money, health and fitness, sleep & energy and look at how you can create your own support network.
No amount of planning will the results - unless you actually ACT! So, now you know WHAT you want and have a PLAN to achieve it. Now, we'll work on developing your amasing SELF-DISCIPLINE and STAYING POWER. We'll learn how to create positive habits and a GROWTH MINDSET in which you can achieve anything that you set out to do. Going after your dreams can be really scary. I'll be there to help you face your fears and help you call on your strengths. Prior to your first session, you will be required to complete a www.gallup.com psychometric strengths assessment - and now we'll look in more detail how you can leverage each of your top 10 strengths to achieve your goals.
Unlike many coaches who promise you that the road to your dreams is going to be easy -that all you have to do is visualise your dreams and they will happen. But you know that this would be a lie. There will be times when you will want to give up, go back to your old, familiar (if self-defeating) habits. I can help you to work through these tough times and stay on track.
Finally, it is important to celebrate your successes along the way - and at the end, when you have finally achieved your Goal! For me, there is nothing better than seeing my clients succeed and achieve their best result - living THEIR best life! Because I am living mine!